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- Berichte zu aktuellen Forschungen
- Drittmittelprojekte
- Resilience and malleability of social metabolism (REMASS)
- “New kids on the block?" Der Jugendaktivismus der Fridays for Future. Eine intersektionale und globale Perspektive.
- KnowWar – Transforming Knowledge on Transcending Conflict in Syria (KnowWar II)
- Decent Work and GVC-based Industrialization in Ethiopia (EthApparel)
- Abgeschlossene Projekte
- Ein körperpolitischer Ansatz des Essens – Vietnam im Geflecht globaler Transformation
- Bureaucrats, Transplant and lnstitutional Quality ll
- Legitimacy of Faith-Based Humanitarian Organizations in Austria, Germany and Pakistan
- Der Verfassungsprozess in Thailand aus der Perspektive sozialer Bewegungen
- Conflict, Participation, and Development in Palestine
- DIAMINT: Science-society dialogues on migration and integration in Europe
- Employing the Cultural Broker in the Governance of Migration and Integration (BrokerInG)
- Palestinizing Development
- The Roles of International Trade and Resource Abundance in the Relationship between Economic Development and Production Structures
- Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context
- KNOTS - Fostering multi-lateral knowledge networks of transdisciplinary studies to tackle global challenges
- Knowledge Production in Times of Flight and War – Developing Common Grounds for Research in/on Syria (KnowWar)
- The role of commodity prices for socio-ecological transformation
- Labour governance in global production networks
- Kooperation mit der Forschungsplattform 'Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften'
- Forschungswerkstatt Umweltproteste
- Forschungswerkstatt Corona-Proteste
- Fakultät