Vorträge Wolfram Schaffar
- 7th March 2018: “The Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative and its Influence on Neighboring Countries: The Case of Thailand”. Presentation at the Visiting Scholars Lecture Series, The Research Centre at JSW Law, Thimphu, Bhutan.
- 16th February 2018: "Law, Development and Transnationalisation of the State in Myanmar" Presentation at the panel on "Development and Transition in Myanmar: Exploring a New Political and Economic Landscape Since 2010" (Convener: Nauremon Thabchumpon) at the 2nd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies, Mandalay University, Myanmar.
- 23rd January 2018: "Diktatoren Verstehen? Ethisch-politische Herausforderungen philologisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher (Feld-)Forschung", Fakultätsvortrag der kultur-philologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien.
- 16th February 2018: "Law, Development and Transnationalisation of the State in Myanmar" Presentation at the panel on "Development and Transition in Myanmar: Exploring a New Political and Economic Landscape Since 2010" (Convener: Nauremon Thabchumpon) at the 2nd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies, Mandalay University, Myanmar
- 17th January 2018: "Law and Development in Bhutan. Gross National Happiness, Democracy, and the Role of the Legal Sector in Society and Politics", Vortrag im Rahmen der IE-Talks, Universität Wien.
- 9th January 2018: "Die Debatte um SDGs in Bhutan, der Mongolei und Thailand", Vortrag im Rahmen des Themendienstags, Austrian Development Agency.
- 15th December 2017: "SDGs and Alternative Development Paradigms in Bhutan and Mongolia", Presen¬tation at the Department of International Relations, University of Yangon.
- 13th December 2017: "Law, Rights and Development", Presentation at the International Conference on “Opportunities and Challenges of Democratization in Myanmar”, Organized by the Department of International Relations, University of Yangon, the Institute of Myanmar Studies, Yunnan Univer¬sity, the Southeast Asian Studies, University Passau and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, 13-14 December 2017
- 10th November 2017: „The Iron Silk Road and the Iron Fist of the Military: China’s High-Speed Rail Policy and its Impact on Thailand“, Vortrag im Rahmen der Konferenz Chinas New Silkroads: Exploring the Emerging Worlds of Chinese Globalization, Stiftung Asienhaus, Global South Center, Universität zu Köln, 9.-10. November 2017.
- 13th October 2017: „Sustainable Development Goals in the South – the case of Thailand and beyond“, Presentation at the international conference The new multipolar global order and the challenge of the SDGs, ÖFSE 50th anniversary, C3 – Centre for International Development, 13. Oktober 2017.
- 9th October 2017: „Populism, Authoritarianism and the Web outside Europe: Hate Speech and Witch Hunts on Facebook in Thailand“, Presentation at the international Workshop Right-Wing Populism: Gender, Sexuality and the Internet, Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien, 9. Oktober 2017.
- 24th August 2017: „General Overview: Authoritarianism, Far-Right Populism and Fascism“, Presentation at the Seminar Building Resistance and Solidarity to Counter New Authoritarianism, Right-wing Populism and Fascism – A Global Perspective at the European Summer University of attac, Toulouse, 23.-27. August 2017.
- 16th August 2017: (with Praphakorn Wongratanawin) "Public Mourning and Witch-hunting: internet-based hyper-royalist Vigilante groups in Thailand in the interregnum", Presentation at the panel on " Vigilante groups in Southeast Asia: New Developments amid Increasing Political Polarization – Methodological, Practical and Political Challenges, at the 9th EuroSEAS Confe¬rence, Oxford, 16th-19th August 2017.
- 22nd July 2017: "The One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative and its influence on the political situation of China's neighbouring countries" Presentation at the panel on "The Political Economy of New Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia." at the 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), 20th-23rd July, Chiangmai, Thailand.
- 18th July 2017: (with Prof. Dr. Naruemon Thabchumpon) "Social Media-Based Far Right Movements in Thailand" Presentation at the panel Crisis of Democracy, Military and Hybrid Politics in Thailand [A Tribute to Likhit Dhiravegin] at the 13th International Conference on Thai Studies, "Globalized Thailand? Connectivity, Conflict and Conundrums of Thai Studies", 15-18 July 2017, Chiangmai, Thailand.
- 25th June 2017: "Sustainable Development Goals, Nomadic Pastoralism, Democracy: The Discourse of Development in Mongolia in a Global Perspective", presentation at the 2nd International Symposium of Mongolian Studies "Horizons of Futures in Post-Utopian Mongolia". Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn.
- 16th March 2017: "Auf Ewig Diktatur? König Vajiralongkorn, das Militär und neuer Autoritarismus in Thailand", Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung der Stiftung Asienhaus, Abteilung Südostasien des Instituts für Orient und Asienwissenschaft, Universität Bonn.
- 18th January 2017: "Alternative Development Paradigms and Democratisation in Bhutan and Mongolia", Presentation at the Workshop on Himalayan Borderlands in Transition. Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History at the University of Vienna, and Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna.
- 5th December 2016: "The Asia Europe People‘s Forum (AEPF) in Mongolia: Alternative Development Trajectories for Sustainable Development?", Presentation at the Seminar on: Was kann Entwicklungshilfe? Wirtschaftsmuseum, Wien 5. Dezember 2016.
- 6th October 2016: „The concept of developmental states in Ethiopia“, Input at the roundtable discussion on „Ethiopia and the illiberal state builders in Africa“, Afrika Club (Radio Afrika TV, Verein Afrikanischer Studierende in Österreich (VAS), Wiener Institut für Internatio¬nalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit (VIDC) und Botschafter Georg Lennkh), 6. Oktober 2016.
- 23th September 2016: (together with Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Bremen, Prof. Dr. Sandra Kurfürst, Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Ines Stolpe, Universität Bonn), Input at the panel on "Post-Colonial Studies, Cold War Studies and Future Studies, Taking the Example of Development Discourses", Critical Conceptual and Methodological Intersections with Area Studies, The 5th International Crossroads Asia Conference: Area Studies’ Futures, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), Bonn, 22.-23. September 2016.
- 19th July 2016: "Political Change in Myanmar - in Comparative Perspective", Presentation at the International Conference on Historical Preconditions and Causes for the Political Development of Present-day Myanmar, University of Passau, Southeast Asian Studies, July 18th to 21st, 2016, Passau.
- 13th July 2016: (with Naruemon Thabchumpon) "Social Media-Based Far Right Movements in Thailand", Presentation at the Panel on Far Right Movements and Social Research at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggle for a Better World. July 10-14, 2016, Wien.
- 10th July 2016: (with Alexandra Heis) "Radical alternatives and their political embedding", Presentation at the Panel on Alternative Futures of the South at the 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggle for a Better World. July 10-14, 2016, Wien.
- 8th July 2016: "Alternative Development Concepts and their Political Embedding - Outline of a Joint Research Project", Presentation at the Mongolian Academy of Science, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- 18th June 2016: "New Authoritarianism in thailand: The Draft Constitution and the Referendum in Comparative Perspective", Presentstion at the International Conference 'The Military and the Referendum: Perspectives of the Democracy Movement in Thailand.' Asienhaus Köln, Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften, Universität Bonn.
- 17th June 2016: "Neo-extractivism, climate change and alternative resource management systems: desertification in the Mongolian grassland and the resurgence of nomadic pastoralism", Keynote Speech at the World Day to Combat Desertification, Institute of Soil Research, Universität für Bodenkultur / University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Wien.
- 19th May 2016: "Developmental State policy and rights-based approach to development: Contradictions and challenges". Presentation at the Workshop Comparative perspectives on developmental states in Africa and Asia, jointly organised by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Institute of Development Studies (IE), Wien.
- 11th February 2016: "Indigenous alternative development paradigms and their political embedding". Presentation at the Development Day Conference 2016: Making Alternatives Visible: Resisting and Reshaping the Mainstream, 11 – 12 February 2016, Department of Political and Economic Studies (Development Studies), University of Helsinki and Finnish Society for Development Research, Helsinki.
- 25th November 2015: "Instrumente und normative Ausrichtung der SDGs und die Vision eine transnationalen Demokratie", Presentation at the HUMAN RIGHTS TALK: Eine zweite, oder die letzte Chance? Die 2030-Agenda für Nachhaltige Entwicklung // The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: 2nd chance or last chance?, organisiert vom Research Center Human Rights, Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte, Schweizerische Botschaft Wien, Wiener Zeitung, profil online, Zeitschrift Juridikum and zige.tv
- 20th November 2015: "Social Media Based Vigilant Groups in Thailand", Presentation at the 7th Annual Prague Conference on Asian Studies Non-Traditional Security Issues in Asia: Threats and Opportunities. Metropolitan University Prague (MUP), Prag.
- 9th sowie 10th November 2015: "Demokratie global denken", Keynote speech at the public seminar "Globales Lernen - Potenziale und Perspektiven. Wie viel Demokratie verträgt die Welt?", Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen (BMBF), Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Graz, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, Austrian Development Agency (ADA) und Strategiegruppe Globales Lernen, Graz und Wien.
- 3rd November 2015: "Der menschenrechtsbasierter Entwicklungsansatz - Empirische und praktische Hinweise auf einen Universalismus von Werten und Rechten", Presentation at the book launch "Zur (Ir-)Relevanz von Philosophie in interkultureller Orientierung" Polylog 33, Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien.
- 16th October 2015: "The State of Reforms", Input to the Workshop "Bei schwacher Gesundheit: Der Friedensprozess in Myanmar/Burma und die Situation der ethnischen Minderheiten, organised by Burmahilfe, Dreikönigsaktion, Hilfswerk der katholischen Jungschar, Institut für Internationale Entwicklung, Wien.
- 7th October 2015: "Climate Justice, Energy Democracy and Zero Waste - interrelationships and key messages, alternatives and actions - a synthesis", Input to the Thematic Dialogue on Climate Justice, Sustainable Energy and Zero Waste, 7.-8. Oktober, Asia-Europe Peoples Forum (AEPF), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei.
- 3rd September 2015: "Democracy and Transformation", Presentation and paper for the Human Rights Expert Workshop in Preparation of the Congress of Vienna 2015, jointly organised by the Research Centre for Human Rights, Universität Wien; Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Menschenrechte, Wien; Congress of Vienna 2015; Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership, Canada. Universität Wien.
- 14th August 2015: "Uncivil society in Thailand: Internet-based vigilant groups and the rise of Fascism in Thailand" Presentation at the panel Mapping Uncivil Society Organizations, European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Conference, 11.-14. August 2015, Wien.
- 13th August 2015: "The constitutional tribunal in Myanmar - a counterexample to general trends?" Presentation at the panel Constitutional Politics: A Comparative View, European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Conference, 11.-14. August 2015, Wien.
- 13th August 2015: "The democratisation process of Myanmar - comparative aspects and recent developments", Presentation at the Nikkei Round Table II, Myanmar’s Election Year: Challenges and Trajectories, European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) Conference, 11.-14. August 2015, Wien.
- 21st March 2015: "Demokratie und Entwicklung in der globalen Krise" Keynote speech at the 3rd Asia Day "Demokratie - Entwicklung - Globalisierung", Alte Feuer¬wache und Asienhaus, Köln.
- 16th February 2015: "Role of Middle Classes and Democratisation - a Critical View from Thailand" Presentation at the BA-programme Political Science, at the Department of International Relations, Mandalay University, Myanmar.
- 15th January 2015: "Demokratie und Entwicklung im Zeichen der globalen Krise" Inauguration Speech at the University of Vienna.