Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C. (2024) Labor regimes, global production networks and state-society relations: Assessing the impact of the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement on labor in Vietnam, Economic Geography 100(5-6).
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Wojewska, A. (2024) Price-making in provisioning systems and social-ecological transformation? The cases of the electric vehicle metals copper, cobalt, and lithium, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 20(1).
- Butollo, F., Staritz, C., Maile, F., Wuttke, T. (2024) The End of Globalized Production? Supply-Chain Resilience, Technological Sovereignty and Enduring Global Interdependencies in the Post-Pandemic Era, Critical Sociology.
- Wojewska, A., Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2024) The criticality of lithium and the finance-sustainability nexus: Supply-demand perceptions, state policies, production networks, and financial actors, The Extractive Industries and Society (EXIS) Volume 17.
- Fischer, K., Staritz, C., Moe, S.L. (2022) Scaling Up? On the Possibilities and Limits of Transnational Labour Organising in Globalised Production, Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (Austrian Journal of Development Studies) XXXVIII (2/3), 8-37.
- Butollo, F. and Staritz, C. (2022) Deglobalisierung, Rekonfiguration oder Business as Usual? Covid-19 und die Grenzen der Rückverlagerung globalisierter Produktion (Deglobalization, reconfiguration, or business as usual? COVID-19 and the limits of reshoring of globalized production), Berliner Journal für Soziologie 32, 393–425
- Marslev, K. and Staritz, C. (2022) Towards a stronger EU approach on the trade-labour nexus? The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, social struggles and labor reforms in Vietnam, Review of International Political Economy 30:3, 1125-1150.
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Grumiller, J., Maile, F. (2022) Price-setting power in global value chains: The cases of price stabilisation in the cocoa sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, European Journal of Development Research 35, 840–868.
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C., Raj-Reichert, G. (2022) Rethinking Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Worker Power, State-Labour Relations and Intersectionality, Development and Change 53(4), 827-859.
- Raj-Reichert, G., Staritz, C. and Plank, L. (2022) Conceptualizing the Regulator-Buyer State in the European Union for the Exercise of Socially Responsible Public Procurement in Global Production Networks, Journal of Common Market Studies 50(3), 759-782
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C., Plank, L., Raj-Reichert, G. (2021) Soziales Upgrading und Beschäftigtenmacht in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (Social upgrading and labour power in global value chains), WSI-Mitteilungen 74(1), 3-11.
- Whitfield, L. & Staritz, C. (2021) The Learning Trap in Late Industrialization: Local firms and capability building in Ethiopia’s Apparel Export Industry, The Journal of Development Studies 57(6): 980-1000.
- Whitfield, L., & Staritz, C. (2021). Local supplier firms in Madagascar’s apparel export industry: Upgrading paths, transnational social relations and regional production networks, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53(4): 763-784.
- Whitfield, L., Staritz, C., Meles, A., Azizi, S. (2020) Technological Capabilities, Upgrading and Value Capture in Global Value Chains: Local Apparel and Floriculture Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa, Economic Geography 96(3): 195-218.
- Whitfield, L., Staritz, C., Morris, M. (2020) Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy and Economic Upgrading in Ethiopia's Apparel Sector, Development and Change 51(4): 1018-1043
- Tröster, B., Von Arnim, R., Staritz, C., Raza, W., Grumiller, J., Grohs, H. (2019) Delivering on Promises? The Expected Impacts and Implementation Challenges of the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and Africa, Journal of Common Market Studies, 8(2): 365-383.
- Pietrobelli, C., Staritz, C. (2018) Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions, European Journal of Development Research 30(3): 557-574.
- Von Arnim, R., Tröster, B., Staritz, C., Raza, W. (2018) Commodity price shocks and the distribution of income in commodity-dependent least-developed countries, Journal of Policy Modeling 40(2): 343-451.
- Staritz, C., Newman, S., Tröster, B., Plank, L. (2018) Financialization and Global Commodity Chains: Distributional Implications for Cotton in Sub‐Saharan Africa, Development and Change 49(3): 815-842.
- Pietrobelli, C., Staritz, C. (2017) Cadenas globales de valor y políticas de desarrollo, Desarrollo Económico 56(220): 371-391.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C. (2016) Industrial upgrading and development in Lesotho’s apparel industry: Global value chains, foreign direct investment, and market diversification, Oxford Development Studies 45(3): 303-320.
- Ederer, S., Heumesser, C., Staritz, C. (2016) Financialization and commodity prices – An empirical analysis for coffee, cotton, wheat and oil, International Review of Applied Economics 30(4): 462-487.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2016) Social up- and downgrading trajectories of apparel workers in Romania: Europeanization, fast fashion and the global economic crisis, Transfer: the European Review of Labour and Research 22(2): 233-248.
- Morris, M., Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2016) Regionalism, end markets and ownership matter: Shifting dynamics in the apparel export industry in Sub Saharan Africa, Environment and Planning A, 48(7): 1244–1265.
- Pickles, J., Plank, L., Staritz, C., Glasmeier, A. (2015) Editorial: Trade policy and regionalisms in global clothing production networks, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8(3): 381-402.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2015) Global competition, institutional context, and regional production networks: Up- and downgrading experiences in Romania’s apparel industry, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8(3): 421-438.
- Morris, M, Staritz, C. (2014) Industrialization trajectories in Madagascar’s export apparel industry: Ownership, embeddedness, markets, and upgrading, World Development 56: 243–257.
- Staritz, C., Gereffi, G., Cattaneo, O. (2011) Editorial: Shifting end markets and upgrading prospects in global value chains, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 4(1/2/3): 1-13.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C., Barnes, J. (2011) Value chain dynamics, local embeddedness, and upgrading in the clothing sectors of Lesotho and Swaziland, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 4(1/2/3): 96-119.
- Brenton, P., Saborowski, C., Staritz, C., Von Uexkull, E. (2011) Assessing the adjustment implications of trade policy changes using the Tariff Reform Impact Simulation Tool (TRIST), World Trade Review 10(2): 249-276.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2009) Editorial: Global commodity chains and production networks: Understanding uneven development in the global economy? Austrian Journal of Development Studies 25(2): 4-19.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2009) Global production networks, uneven development, and workers: Experiences from the Romanian apparel sector, Austrian Journal of Development Studies 25(2): 62-87.
Special Issues Edited
- Fischer, K., Moe, S., Staritz, C. (2022) Scaling Up? Transnational labour organising in globalised production, Austrian Journal of Development Studies 37 (2/3).
- Pickles, J., Plank, L., Staritz, C., Glasmeier, A. (2015, eds.) Changing Global Production Networks in the Apparel Industry. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8(3)
- Staritz, C., Gereffi, G., Cattaneo, O. (2011, eds.) Shifting End Markets and Upgrading Prospects in Global Value Chains. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3, 2011.
- Staritz, C., Plank, L. (2009, eds.) Global commodity chains and production networks. Understanding uneven development in the global economy. Austrian Journal of Development Studies 25(2)
- Staritz, C. (2011) Making the Cut? Low-Income Countries and the Global Clothing Value Chain in a Post-Quota and Post-Crisis World. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
- Staritz, C. (2007) Tobinsteuer - ‚Sand ins Getriebe’ der Finanzmärkte und Einnahmen für Entwicklung? [Tobin Tax - ‘sand in the wheels’ of financial markets and income for development?]. Vienna: ÖGB Verlag.
Edited Volumes
- Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2021 eds.) Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur. [Global Commodity Chains an Uneven Development: Labour, Capital, Consumption, Nature]. Globalisierung-Entwicklung-Politik (GEP) 20. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
- Pichler, M., Staritz, C., Küblböck, K., Plank, C., Raza, W., Ruiz Peyré, F. (2016) Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics. Oxford: Routledge.
- Staritz, C., Reis, J. (2013) Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading, and Gender. Case Studies of the Horticulture, Tourism and Call Center Industries. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
- Cattaneo, O., Gereffi, G., Staritz, C. (2010) Global Value Chains in the Post-Crisis World. A Development Perspective. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
- Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2010) Globale Güterketten: Weltweite Arbeitsteilung und Ungleiche Entwicklung [Global Commodity Chains: International Division of Labour and Uneven Development]. Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung 29. Vienna: Promedia.
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2008) Asienkrise: Lektionen gelernt? Finanzmärkte und Entwicklung [Asian Crisis: Lessons learnt? Financial Markets and Development]. Hamburg: VSA.
- Becker, J., Imhof, K., Jäger, J., Staritz, C. (2007) Kapitalistische Entwicklung in Nord und Süd: Handel, Geld, Arbeit, Staat [Capitalist Development in the North and the South: Trade, Money, Labour, State]. Gesellschaft – Entwicklung – Politik 9. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
Book Chapters
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C. (2025) Labour, social upgrading and (in)decent work in global value chains. In Moore, M., van der Linden, M., Scherrer, C. (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Decent Work and the Sustainable Development Goals, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 298-311.
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C. (2023) The EU–Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement: A catalyst of labour reform in Viet Nam? In Corley-Coulibaly, M., Ebert, F.C., Richiardi, P.S. (eds.): Integrating trade and decent work VOLUME 2 - The potential of trade and investment policies to address labour market issues in supply chains, International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva.
- Whitfield, L., Staritz, C. (2019) Apparel and Textile Hubs in Africa. In Oqubay, A., Lin, J. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, Oxford University Press: 931-949
- Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2019) Local firm-level learning and capability building in global value chains. In Gereffi, G., Ponte, S., Raj-Reichetr, G. (eds): Handbook of Global Value Chains, Edward Elgar.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C. (2019) Industrialisation paths and industrial policy for developing countries in global value chains. In Gereffi, G., Ponte, S., Raj-Reichetr, G. (eds): Handbook of Global Value Chains, Edward Elgar.
- Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2019) Light manufacturing in Ethiopia: The case of the apparel export industry. In: Cheru, F., Cramer, C., Oqubay, A. (eds.): The (Oxford) Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy, Oxford University Press.
- Pietrobelli, C., Staritz, C. (2017) Cadenas globales de valor y politicas de desarrollo. In: Carrillo, J., Basave, J. (eds.): Innovation, desarrollo tecnologico y social. Una mirada global para entender America Latina, Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico D.F.
- Pichler, M., Staritz, C., Küblböck, K., Plank, C., Raza, W., Ruiz Peyré, F. (2016) Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics: An Introduction. In: Pichler, M., Staritz, C., Küblböck, K., Plank, C., Raza, W., Ruiz Peyré, F. (eds.) Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 1-14.
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Küblböck, K. (2016) Price risks and resource fairness in commodity trading: The cotton and coffee sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Pichler, M., Staritz, C., Küblböck, K., Plank, C., Raza, W., Ruiz Peyré, F. (eds.) Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 237-255.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C. (2016) Global Value Chains in Apparel: Still a path for industrial development? In: Tribe, M., Weiss, J. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Industry and Development. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 222-239.
- Plank, L., Rossi, A. Staritz, C. (2014) What Does ‘Fast Fashion’ Mean for Workers: Apparel Production in Morocco and Romania, In: Rossi, A., Luinstra, A., Pickles, J. (eds.) Toward Better Work - Understanding Labour in Apparel Global Value Chains. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-147.
- Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2010) Einleitung: Globale Güterketten. Weltweite Arbeitsteilung und Ungleiche Entwicklung, In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Güterketten: Weltweite Arbeitsteilung und Ungleiche Entwicklung. Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung 29. Vienna: Promedia. pp. 7-23.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2010) Globale Produktionsnetzwerke und „prekäres Upgrading“ in der Elektronikindustrie in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Die Beispiele Ungarn und Rumänien, In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C. and Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Güterketten: Weltweite Arbeitsteilung und Ungleiche Entwicklung. Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung 29. Vienna: Promedia. pp. 179-200.
- Fischer, F., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2021) Einleitung: Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung [Global commodity chains and uneven development), In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur [Global Commodity Chains and Uneven Development: Labour, Capital, Consumption, Nature]. Globalisierung-Entwicklung-Politik (GEP) 20. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
- Fischer, F., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2021) Globale Warenketten und Produktionsnetzwerke: Konzepte, Kritik, Weiterentwicklungen [Global commodity chains and production networks: Concepts, critique, developments], In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur [Global Commodity Chains and Uneven Development: Labour, Capital, Consumption, Nature]. Globalisierung-Entwicklung-Politik (GEP) 20. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
- Staritz, C., Reiner, C., Plank, L. (2021) Industriepolitik im Zeitalter von globalen Warenketten [Industrial policy in the era of global commodity chains], In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur [Global Commodity Chains and Uneven Development: Labour, Capital, Consumption, Nature]. Globalisierung-Entwicklung-Politik (GEP) 20. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2021) Finanzialisierung und globale Warenketten: Preissetzung und Preisrisiken im Baumwollsektor in Subsahara-Afrika [Financialization and global commodity chains: Price-setting and price risks in the cotton sector in Sub-Saharan Africa], In: Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (eds.) Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur [Global Commodity Chains and Uneven Development: Labour, Capital, Consumption, Nature]. Globalisierung-Entwicklung-Politik (GEP) 20. Vienna: Mandelbaum.
- Staritz, C., Morris, M., Plank, L. (2017): Clothing Value Chains and Sub-Saharan Africa: Global Exports, Regional Dynamics and Industrial Development Outcomes, In: Keane, J., Baimbill-Johnson, R. (eds.): Future Fragmentation Processes: Effectively Engaging with the Ascendency of Global Value Chains, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Farole, T., Staritz, C., Winkler, D. (2014) Conceptual Framework, In: Farole, T., Winkler, D. (eds.), Making Foreign Direct Investment Work for Sub-Saharan Africa: Local Spillovers and Competitiveness in Global Value Chains. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 23-55.
- Staritz, C., Frederick, S. (2014) Sector Case Study: Apparel, In: Farole, T., Winkler, D. (eds.), Making Foreign Direct Investment Work for Sub-Saharan Africa: Local Spillovers and Competitiveness in Global Value Chains. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 209-244.
- Staritz, C. (2013) Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading, and Gender. In: Staritz, C., Reis, J. (eds.) Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading, and Gender. Case Studies of the Horticulture, Tourism and Call Center Industries. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 1-9.
- Frederick, S., Staritz, C. (2012) Developments in the Global Apparel Industry after the MFA Phaseout. In: Lopez-Acevedo, G., Robertson, R. (eds.) Sewing Success? Employment, Wages, and Poverty following the End of the Multi-fibre Arrangement. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 41-85.
- Staritz, C., Frederick, S. (2012) Summaries of the Country Case Studies on Apparel Industry Development, Structure, and Policies. In: Lopez-Acevedo, G., Robertson, R. (eds.) Sewing Success? Employment, Wages, and Poverty following the End of the Multi-fibre Arrangement. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 211-497.
- Cattaneo, O., Gereffi, G and Staritz, C. (2010) Global Value Chains in the Post-Crisis World: Resilience, Consolidation, and Shifting End Markets, In: Cattaneo, O., Gereffi, G., Staritz, C. (eds.) Global Value Chains in the Post-Crisis World. A Development Perspective. Washington D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 3-20.
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2008) Finanzmärkte, Finanzkrisen und Entwicklung [Financial Markets, Financial Crises and Development], In: Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (eds.) Asienkrise: Lektionen gelernt? Finanzmärkte und Entwicklung [Asian Crisis: Lessons learnt? Financial Markets and Development]. Hamburg: VSA, pp. 7-25.
- Becker, J., Imhof, K., Jäger, J. and Staritz, C. (2007) Einleitung: Variationen Kapitalistischer Entwicklung [Introduction: Variations of Capitalist Development], In: Becker, J., Imhof, K. Jäger, J. and Staritz, C. (eds.) Kapitalistische Entwicklung in Nord und Süd: Handel, Geld, Arbeit, Staat [Capitalist Development in the North and the South: Trade, Money, Labour, State]. Vienna: Mandelbaum, pp. 7-62.
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2007) Internationale Verschuldung und (Unter-)Entwicklung [International Debt and (Under-)Development], In: Becker, J., Imhof, K. Jäger, J. and Staritz, C. (eds.) Kapitalistische Entwicklung in Nord und Süd: Handel, Geld, Arbeit, Staat [Capitalist Development in the North and the South: Trade, Money, Labour, State]. Vienna: Mandelbaum, pp. 160-183.
- Staritz, C., Plank, L. (2006) EU – sozial oder neoliberal? In: F. Klug, F., Fellmann, I. (eds.) Schwarzbuch Neoliberalismus und Globalisierung. IKW Schriftenreihe 115, Linz: Stadt Linz.
Working Papers and Research Reports
- Staritz, C., Marselv, K. (2024) Labor regimes, global production networks and state-society relations-Assessing the impact of the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement on labor in Vietnam, ie Working Paper No. 16, Vienna: Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna.
- Staritz, C., Maile, F. (2024) Toward shorter and greener supply chains? Understanding shifts in the global textile and apparel industry, Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises, Annual Report 2023, Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP).
- Marslev, K., Staritz, C., Raj-Reichert, G. (2021) Worker power, state-labour relations and worker identities: Re-conceptualising social upgrading in global value chains. Institut für Internationale Entwicklung (IE), Working Paper No.13.
- Marslev, K. & Staritz, C. (2021) Towards a stronger EU approach on the trade-labor nexus? The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, domestic labor reforms and social struggles in Vietnam. Institut für Internationale Entwicklung (IE), Working Paper No.12.
- Altenburg, T., Chen, X., Lütkenhorst, W., Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2020) Exporting out of China or out of Africa? Automation versus Relocation in the Global Clothing Industry, DIE Discussion Paper 1/2020, Bonn.
- Staritz, C., Plank, L., Morris, M. (2016) Global Value Chains, Industrial Policy, and Sustainable Development – Ethiopia’s Apparel Export Sector, Inclusive Economic Transformation Programme Series, Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD).
- Bamber, P., Staritz, C. (2016) The Gender Dimensions of Global Value Chains, Inclusive Economic Transformation Programme Series, Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD).
- Staritz, C., Morris, M., Plank, L. (2016) Clothing Global Value Chains and Sub-Saharan Africa: Global Exports, Regional Dynamics and Industrial Development Outcomes, International Trade Working Paper 2016/16, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Raza, W., Staritz, C., Grumiller, J. (2016) Enhancing the Quality of Industrial Policies 2 (EQuIP 2) - Toolbox Module: Institutional Setup, Report for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn: GIZ.
- Staritz, C. (2016) Global value chains, industrialization and industrial policy in developing countries, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Background Paper to the Trade and Development Report 2016, Geneva: UNCTAD.
- Pietrobelli C., Staritz, C. (2013) Challenges for Global Value Chain Interventions in Latin America, Competitiveness and Innovation Division, Technical Note No. IDB-TN-548, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2013) ’Precarious upgrading’ in electronics global production networks in Central and Eastern Europe: the cases of Hungary and Romania, Capturing the Gains Working Paper No. 31, Manchester: University of Manchester.
- Staritz, C. (2013) Thematic evaluation of UNIDO projects related to Industrial Upgrading, UNIDO Report ODG/EVA/12/R.14, Vienna: UNIDO.
- Staritz, C., Morris, M. (2013) Local embeddedness and economic and social upgrading in Madagascar’s export apparel industry, Capturing the Gains Working Paper No. 21, Manchester: University of Manchester.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C., Frederick, S. (2013) Challenges and Opportunities to Private Sector Development in Lesotho: Clothing & Textile Value Chains, Report for the African Development Bank (AfDB).
- Staritz, C., Morris, M. (2012) Local Embeddedness, Upgrading, and Skill Development: Global Value Chains and Foreign Direct Investment in Lesotho's Apparel Industry, Capturing the Gains Working Paper No. 20, Manchester: University of Manchester.
- Staritz, C., Frederick, S. (2012) FDI and Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding the Factors that Contribute to Integration and Spillovers, Apparel Sector Paper. Report for the World Bank. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
- Brenton, P., Saborowski, C., Staritz, C., Von Uexkull, E. (2009) Assessing the Adjustment Implications of Trade Policy Changes Using Trist (Tariff Reform Impact Simulation Tool), World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 5045, Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
- Staritz, C., Atoyan, R., Gold, J. (2007) Guyana: Why Has Growth Stopped? An Empirical Study on the Stagnation of Economic Growth, IMF Working Paper 07/86, Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund.
- Wojewska, A., Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2023) Price-determination and -setting in global production networks of critical minerals – The London Metal Exchange, price reporting agencies and digital trading platforms. ÖFSE, Working Paper No. 75.
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Wojewska, A. (2023) Price-making in mineral provisioning systems and social-ecological transformation? The cases of copper, cobalt and lithium. ÖFSE, Working Paper No. 74.
- Wojewska, A., Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Leisenheimer, L. (2023) The criticality of lithium and the sustainability-finance nexus: Supply-demand perceptions, state policies, production networks, and financial actors. ÖFSE, Working Paper No. 71.
- Butollo, F., Staritz, C. (2022) Deglobalization, Reconfiguration, or Business as Usual? COVID-19 and the limits of reshoring of globalized production., Weizenbaum Series, 30, Berlin: Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute, DOI:
- Whitfield, L., Marslev, K. & Staritz, C. (2021) Can apparel export industries catalyse industrialisation? Combining GVC participation and localisation. SARChI Industrial Development Working Paper Series WP 2021-01. SARChI Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg, 92 p.
- Tröster, B., Staritz, C., Grumiller, J., Maile, F. (2019) Commodity dependence, global commodity chains, price volatility and financialisation: Price-setting and stabilisation in the cocoa sectors in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 62, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Grumiller, L., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Grohs, H., Arndt, C. (2018) Perspectives for export-oriented industrial policy strategies for selected African countries - case studies Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Tunisia, ÖFSE Research Report 10, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Grumiller, L., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B., von Arnim, R., Grohs, H. (2018) The economic and social effects of the EU Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with Tunisia, ÖFSE Research Report 9, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Grumiller, L., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B., von Arnim, R., Grohs, H. (2018) The economic and social effects of the EU Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam, ÖFSE Research Report 8, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Grumiller, L., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B., von Arnim, R. (2018) The economic and social effects of the Economic Partnership Agreements on selected African countries, ÖFSE Research Report 7, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Whitfield, L., Staritz, C. (2018) Local Firms in the Madagascar’s Apparel Export Sector: Technological Capabilities and Participation in Global Value Chains, Center of African Economies (CAE) Working Paper 2018: 3, Copenhagen: Roskilde University.
- Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2018) Local Firms in the Ethiopian Apparel Export Sector: Building Technological Capabilities to Enter Global Value Chains, Center of African Economies (CAE) Working Paper 2018: 2, Copenhagen: Roskilde University.
- Whitfield, L., Staritz, C. (2017) Mapping the Technological Capabilities of Ethiopian-owned firms in the Apparel Global Value Chain, Center of African Economies (CAE) Working Paper 2017: 4, Copenhagen: Roskilde University.
- Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2017) Made in Ethiopia: The Emergence and Evolution of the Ethiopian Apparel Export Sector, Center of African Economies (CAE) Working Paper 2017: 3, Copenhagen: Roskilde University.
- Staritz, C., Whitfield, L. (2017) What is required for African-owned firms to enter new exports sectors? Conceptualizing technological capabilities within global value chains, Center of African Economies (CAE) Working Paper 2017:1, Copenhagen: Roskilde University.
- Staritz, C., Frederick, S. (2016) Harnessing Foreign Direct Investment for Local Development? Spillovers in Apparel Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 59, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Staritz, C., Newman, S., Tröster, B., Plank, L. (2015) Financialization, price risks, and global commodity chains: Distributional implications on cotton sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 55, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2015) Cotton-based development in Sub-Saharan Africa? Global commodity chains, national market structure and development outcomes in Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 54, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Von Arnim, R., Tröster, B., Raza, W., Staritz, C. (2015) Commodity dependence and price volatility in least developed countries: A structuralist computable general equilibrium model with applications to Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Mozambique, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 52, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2015) Private Sector Development – Business Plan or Development Strategy? ÖFSE Working Paper No. 51, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Staritz, C. Tröster, B., Küblböck, K. (2015) Commodity Prices, Financial Markets and Development. In: Österreichische Entwicklungspolitik 2015, Vienna: Südwind-Verlag, pp. 47-58.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2014) Global Competition, Institutional Context, and Regional Production Networks: Up- and Downgrading Experiences in Romania’s Apparel Industry, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 50, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C., Plank, L. (2014) Regionalism, end markets and ownership matter: Shifting dynamics in the apparel export industry in Sub Saharan Africa, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 46, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2013) Private Sector Development – Business Plan or Development Strategy? Theoretical approaches, concepts and critical analysis of private sector development. In: ÖFSE (ed.) Österreichische Entwicklungspolitik 2013, Vienna: Südwind-Verlag, pp. 15-24.
- Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (2013) Private Sector Development and Industrial Policy: Why, how and for whom?). In: ÖFSE (ed.) Österreichische Entwicklungspolitik 2013, Vienna: Südwind-Verlag, pp. 53-61.
- Staritz, C., Plank, L. (2013), Editorial: Renaissance der Industriepolitik: Irr- oder Königsweg? Kurswechsel 3/2013: 74-75.
- Staritz, C., Küblböck, K. (2013) Re-regulation of commodity derivative markets – Critical assessment of current reform proposals in the EU and the US, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 45, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Heumesser, C., Staritz, C. (2013) Financialisation and the microstructure of commodity markets - a qualitative investigation of trading strategies of financial investors and commercial traders, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 44, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Tröster, B., Staritz, C. (2013) Fundamentals or Financialisation of Commodity Markets - What Determines Recent Wheat Prices? ÖFSE Working Paper No. 43, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Ederer, S., Heumesser, C., Staritz, C. (2013) The role of fundamentals and financialisation in recent commodity price developments – an empirical analysis for wheat, coffee, cotton, and oil, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 42, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Staritz, C. (2012) Apparel exports – still a path for industrial development? Dynamics in apparel global value chains and implications for low-income countries, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 34, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Plank, L., Rossi, A., Staritz, C. (2012) Workers and Social Upgrading in ‘Fast Fashion’: The Case of the Apparel Industry in Morocco and Romania, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 33, Vienna: ÖFSE..
- Staritz, C. (2012 Value Chains for Development? Potentials and Limitations of Global Value Chain Approaches in Donor Interventions, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 31, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Staritz, C. (2012) Financial Markets and the Commodity Price Boom: Causes and Implications for Developing Countries, ÖFSE Working Paper No. 30, Vienna: ÖFSE.
- Morris, M., Staritz, C., Stewart, R. (2012) Lesotho and Swaziland Adjusting to Chinese Global Ascendancy in the Clothing and Textile Industry. Paper prepared for the African Clothing and Footwear Research Network (ACFRN), March 2012.
- Weber, B. Schlager, C., Staritz, C. (2012) Editorial: Ein neues Schuldenzeitalter? Missverständnisse, Einsichten und offene Fragen, Kurswechsel 1/2012: 3-10.
- Lukas, K., Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2010) Securing Labour Rights in Global Production Networks – Legal Instruments and Policy Options, Study for “Netzwerk Wissenschaft” of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C., Lukas, K. (2009) Labour Rights in Global Production Networks. An Analysis of the Apparel and Electronics Sector in Romania, Study for “Netzwerk Wissenschaft” of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.
- Staritz, C. (2008) Financial Structure, Investment, and Economic Development, SCEPA Working Paper 3-2008. New York: Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA). New York: New School for Social Research.
- Staritz, C., Plank, L. (2008), Tobinsteuer: „Sand ins Getriebe‟ der Finanzmärkte und ein Beitrag zu Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitischer Zeitschrift 31(2): 123-142.
- Breuss, N., Gall, F., Staritz, C. (2006) Grundsätze eines gerechten Steuersystems. Kurswechsel 1/2006: 6-13
- Breuss N., Staritz, C. (2004) Sozialstaat statt Steuerwettlauf, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitische Zeitschrift (WISO) Nr. 3
- Staritz, C. (2002) Tobin or not Tobin - still the question. Kurswechsel 3/2002: 72-84
Policy Notes
- Whitfield, L., Marslev, K., Staritz, C. (2021) Catalysing industrialisation? The role of the apparel export industry. Policy Brief 2021-01. South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI ID)
- Tröster, B., Grumiller, J., Grohs, H., Raza, W., Staritz, C., von Arnim, R. (2019) Combining trade and sustainability? The Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Vietnam, Policy Note No. 29, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Tröster, B., Raza, W., Grohs, H., Grumiller, J., von Arnim, R., Staritz, C. (2018) The EU-Tunisia Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA): macroeconomic impacts and pro-developmental policy responses, Policy Note No. 28, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Grumiller, J., Azmeh, S., Staritz, C., Raza, W., Grohs, H., Tröster, B. (2018) Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: the Tunisian textile and apparel sector, Policy Note No. 27, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Grumiller, J., Grohs, H., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2018) Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: the Tunisian olive oil sector, Policy Note No. 26, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Grumiller, J., Arndt, C., Grohs, H., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2018) Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: the Ivorian and Ghanaian mango sectors, Policy Note No. 25, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Grumiller, J., Grohs, H., Raza, W., Staritz, C., Tröster, B. (2018) Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: the Ivorian and Ghanaian cocoa processing sectors, Policy Note No. 24, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Tröster, B., Grohs, H., Grumiller, J., Raza, W., Staritz, C., von Arnim, R. (2018) The Economic Partnership Agreements with Africa: macroeconomic impacts and pro-developmental policy responses, Policy Note No. 23, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE).
- Staritz, C., Tröster B., Küblböck K. (2015) Managing commodity price risks – the cases of cotton in Burkina Faso and Mozambique and coffee in Ethiopia, Policy Note No. 16, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
- Küblböck, K., Staritz, C. (2014) Regulation of commodity derivative markets: Critical assessment of reforms in the EU, Policy Note No. 12, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
- Staritz, C. (2013) Foreign direct investment and local spillovers in the apparel sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, Policy Note No. 5, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
- Tröster, B., Maile, F., Staritz, C., van Huellen, S. (2024) Cocoa prices triple, but do farmers fell the gains? Cocoa Prices Triple, But Do Farmers Feel the Gains? – Debating Development Research
- Maile, F., Staritz, C. (2024): Towards shorter supply chains? Understanding shifts in the global apparel industry. Towards shorter supply chains? Understanding shifts in the global apparel industry (
- Dorn, F., Staritz, C., Wojewska, A. (2023): Lithium zwischen grüner Revolution und grauer Realität, Rudolphina. Lithium zwischen grüner Revolution und grauer Realität (
- Tröster, B., Staritz, C., Wojewska, A. (2023) Kritische Rohstoffe: Gefragtes Lithium – Ein Sektor zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Spekulation, AK Wien. Kritische Rohstoffe: gefragtes Lithium | Arbeiterkammer Wien
- Staritz, C. & Plank, L. (2023) Zur Stärkung von Arbeitsrechten in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken, Social Impact Platform, Universität Wien. Zur Stärkung von Arbeitsrechten in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken (
- Staritz, C., Tröster, B., Wojewska, A. (2022) Der Rohstoffboom im Kontext von „grünem“ Extraktivismus hat einen Preis. Social Impact Platform, Universität Wien. Der Rohstoffboom im Kontext von „grünem“ Extraktivismus hat einen Preis (
- Fischer, K., Moe, S., Staritz, C. (2022) Gemeinsam stärker? Chancen und Probleme von transnationaler Organisierung in globalen Warenketten, A&W Blog.
- Plank, L., Staritz, C. (2022) Öffentliche Beschaffung sozial und ökologisch: globale Wertschöpfungsketten nutzen!, A&W Blog.
- Maile, F., Tröster, B., Staritz, C., Grumiller, J. (2022) Who
to blame? The rough start for living income cocoa prices in Côte
d’Ivoire and Ghana, European Association of Development Research and
Training Institutes. - Marslev, K., Staritz, C., Raj-Reichert, G. (2022) Rethinking social
upgrading in global value chains around worker power, Research Network
Sustainable Global Supply Chains. - Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz., C. (2022) Industrial policy for
lower-income countries in the age of global value chains (revised
English version), European Association of Development Research and
Training Institutes. - Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz., C. (2021) Ein Lieferkettengesetz
für Österreich: Lehren von benachbarten Initiativen. - Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz., C. (2021) Industriepolitik für
Least Developed Countries im Zeitalter globaler Warenketten.