Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
Nozdadze, Nino. Die Auslegung der Kategorie Gneder in der Entwicklungspolitik und EZA Österreichs. Eine kritische Diskursanalyse. (Walter Schicho)
Kalemela, Leah Mwaisango. The Life Experiences of Children Living in Child Headed Households. Case Study Area Selection: Kasamwa ward in Sukumaland, Tanzania. (Petra Danecker)
Apalla, Adah. Revisiting the Political Orientation of the Middle Class towards Democracy: Rodrigo Duterte's Leadership in Davao City; Philippines. (Wolfram Schaffar)
Khan, Hamayun. Assessing the Socio-Economic Role of Remittances: A Case Study of Migrants' Families in the North West of Pakistan. (Petra Dannecker)
Faltmann, Nora Katharina. Food Safety in Vietnam's changing Urban Foodscape: Food Access and Inequalities in Ho Chi Minh City (Petra Dannecker, Jakob Klein)
Stepanik, Hanna Lisa. 'Batuku moves me': On Postcolonial Negotiations of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Dannecker Petra; Malcom James; Co-Supervisor: Birgit Englert)
Sayrafi, Imad. Transformation of Rural Palestine: Change and Everyday Resistance in a Palestinian Village (Petra Dannecker)
Einzenberger, Rainer. Contested frontiers: land enclosures and indigenous politics in Myanmar's Chin State. (Wolfram Schaffar)
Muhammad Rovidad. Socio-Economic Consequences of Microfinance Investment in Pakistan. (Karl Milford)
Sarra Mohamed Moneir Elsayed Ahmed. Unfolding Cairene Subjectivities and De-Subjectivity Processes, 2013-2016 (Arbeit gesperrt bis 2024)
Marjan Baier. Der Entwicklungsstaat im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Ghana und Südkorea im globalhistorischen Vergleich. (Walter Schicho)
Ivan Manyonga, MSc. The Impact of Access to Renewable Energy Technologiy on Economic Development and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Remote Rureal Areas of Developing Countries. A Case Study for Zimbabwe. (Alejandro Cunat)
Roland Werchota. The crucial factors for a development of the urban water and sanitation sector towards sustainable access for all in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Kunibert Raffer)