
Soziologische Vorträge: Wissenschaftsskepsis und Klimakrise

Antje Daniel - Zwischen Naturliebe und Klimaskepsis: Einstellungen und Narrative zu Natur, Umwelt und Klima in der Corona-Protestbewegung


ie.talks 8.5.2024 The operationalization of the new fund on Loss & Damage at the UN climate summit COP28 in Dubai

A setback for climate justice? with Angela Oels (University of Augsburg)



Public Lecture and Discussion: Genocidal War and Complicity? The War on Gaza and Western Responsibilities

with Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories

20.03.2024 14:48

ie.talks: Rabie Nasser on "Emancipatory Citizenship in the Confllict Context"

Wednesday, March 20th, from 16:15 to 17:45 in SG2, Sensengasse 3


Public Lecture and Discussion

13.03.2024 16:15

ie.talks: International Financial Subordination in the Age of Asset Manager Capitalism

Lecture and Discussion with Annina Kaltenbunner (Leeds University) as part of the ie.talks – Public Lecture Series of the Department of Development...