Public talk with Prof. Islah Jad (online)
Tuesday, 25.06.2024
18:30-20:00 CEST
Images translating Science, Earth, and Visual Imaginaries of Climate Justice on Digital Media: Fridays for Future
Nicole Doerr (University of...
Reflections on diversity in research and teaching: practical relevance in theoretical contexts
Lucyna Darowska (Carl Von Ossietzky University
Online Public Lecture and Discussion
with Tom Pessah, Independent scholar, Tel Aviv
28.05.2024, 18:30-20:00
Antje Daniel - Zwischen Naturliebe und Klimaskepsis: Einstellungen und Narrative zu Natur, Umwelt und Klima in der Corona-Protestbewegung
A setback for climate justice? with Angela Oels (University of Augsburg)