The Senate has approved the Curriculum of the Master Development Studies on the 15th June 2012 in the following version (see University Gazetta, Study Year 2011/2012 - published on the 15th June 2012 - 33. exemplar).
Degree programm code: 066 589
Legal basis: University Law 2002 and the study law part of the Charter of the University of Vienna in the respectively valid version.
Curriculum Master Development Studies (Version 2012, full textt)
minor change of the Curriculum Master IE (in regard of Master exam/Defensio)
Overview on the study programme, modul description and possible supplementary examinations:
Overview Study programme Master IE (excerpt of the curriculum)
Module descriptions of the in-depths-elective-modules (in german only)
Overview of possible stipulations of supplementary examinations
Recommended study track/structure:
The two obligatory Modules GM and MM should be completed in the first two semesters (together with the supplementary examinations as part of the admission). Lectures of the three chosen in-depth-elective- modules (VM1-9) could also be taken starting in the first semester.
Pre-requirement: For the participation of the two semester research module (FM) and the Master Course you need to successfully complete the Modules GM and MM.
Including the additional courses from the admission, the number of semesters needed for graduation is 5-6 semesters (the minimal duration time without any additional courses from the admission is 4 semester).