
ie.talks is the Department of Development Studies' public lecture series. Thus, organizers as well as lecturers are looking forward to a large attendance! No registration required.

The lecture and discussion series provides for information exchange between students, lecturers as well as members of research groups. Moreover, the department intends to further the dialogue with persons interested in critical and transdisciplinary development research.

To allow for different perspectives and to strenghten networking at the department, we invite guest lecturers from other scientific institutions.



Summer term 2024

Montag, October 7, 2024: Thea Riofrancos
Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism
ATTENTION! VENUE IS: ÖFSE Alois Wagner-Saal, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Wien
Time: 16:15-1745

Mittwoch, October 16, 2024: Michele Alacevich (University of Bologna)
The Political Consequences of Economic Development: Albert O. Hirschman and the Virtues of Reformism
Discussants: Verena Halsmayer & Felix Maile

Mittwoch, November 13, 2024:Nyamadzawo Sibanda (University of Vienna)
Post-Return (Re-)Socialization in Zimbabwe

Mittwoch, Dezember 4, 2024: Agnieszka Pasieka (University of Montreal)
Radical Nationalists as Alter-Globalists

Mittwoch, Januar 15, 2025: Helmut Krieger (University of Vienna)



Seminar room SG2
Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1 EG.02
1090, Vienna

*Unless stated otherwise


16:00-18:00 CET (16:15-17:45)



 past terms' ie.talks (most in German)

IE events

Information in German about (past) events of our department as well as events with relevance for our department can be found here.