Third Party funded Projects

For participatory research in MENA context

Funded through: Carnegie Corporation of New York:

Project Lead: Petra Dannecker and Rabie Nasser
Project Staff: Michaela Hochmuth
Project Partner: Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR)


Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism
Project leader at University of Vienna: Cornelia Staritz (Prae Docs: Aleksandra Wojewska und Felix Maile)
Cooperation partner: Helmut Haberl  (BOKU, Institute of Social Ecology), Shonali Pachauri (IIASA, research group „Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions“), Stefan Giljum (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Institute for Ecological Economics), Stefan Thurner (director of the Complexity Science Hub), Anke Schaffartzik (Central European University, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy), Fridolin Krausmann (BOKU, Institute of Social Ecology)
Funded by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Aspiring to alternative futures: Protest and living utopia in South Africa

Project Leader: Dr. Antje Daniel

funded by

more info coming soon

Decent Work and GVC-based Industrialization in Ethiopia (DecentWorkETH)

Project Leader: Dr. Cornelia Staritz, Ph.D.

funded by: Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)

in cooperation with: Roskilde Universitet

Labour Governance in global production networks: Assessing labour standards in a new generation of public procurement legislation and trade agreements linked to market access into the European Union (LG-GPN)

Project Leader Vienna: Dr. Cornelia Staritz, Ph.D.

funded by: Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und dem FWF – Der Wissenschaftsfonds

Ökodörfer als gelebte Utopien

Projcet Leader and Case Study Germany: Prof. Dr. Eva Gerharz (Hochschule Fulda)

Project Coordination Case Study South Africa : Dr. Antje Daniel (Universität Wien)

funded by: Forschungs- und Entwicklungsförderung an der Hochschule Fulda 2020

The role of commodity prices for socio-ecological transformation: Mineral extraction, trading houses and derivatives markets – The cases of cobalt, copper, lithium and nickel in Sub-Saharan Africa

Projektleitung: Dr. Cornelia Staritz, Ph.D.

Gefördert durch: OeNB-Jubiläumsfonds

in Kooperation mit: Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (ÖFSE)