Mag. Dr. Helmut Krieger

Stellvertretender Institutsvorstand
Senior Lecturer, Wissenschaftlicher Projektleiter (KnowWar) und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (KnowWar II)

Department of Development Studies
Sensengasse 3/2/2
1090 Wien

M: helmut.krieger(at)
T: +43-1-4277-641 09


StudentOfficeHours: Thursdays, 15:00-16.00 Uhr, only upon email appointment
(in case office hours are cancelled see: Aktuelles )


Courses/UFind: Übersicht

Research Focus


  • Social movements and the postcolonial state in Arabic-islamic regions
  • Historical and current dynamics of confrontations in Israel/Palestine 
  • Political Islam in the Arabic world
  • Development politics in crisis and war-zones 
  • Emancipatory research methodologies and methods Forschungsmethodologien und -epistemologien
  • Materialist state theories and state in the Global South
  • International political economics


Current and former Projects at the Department of Development Studies:

Knowledge Production in Times of Flight and War – Developing Common Grounds for Research in/on Syria (KnowWar) (12/2018-11/2021)

APPEAR-Projekt Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context (01/2016-03/2019, Austrian Projectcoordinator)


